Video Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024

With mobile viewing increasing exponentially, brands must optimize their videos for mobile-first viewing experience and vertical dimensions. Cross-platform video editors like LOVO make this easy by quickly and seamlessly transforming horizontal footage into vertical sequences.

Camera equipment such as shoulder-mounted cameras and video cranes is quickly becoming obsolete as more influencers and brands turn to smartphone production to produce cinematic magic – this trend includes short-form videos popular on TikTok and Instagram Reels.

Vertical Videos

Utilizing vertical video as one of the 2019 marketing trends allows brands to craft more tailored content for viewers – such as including their name in videos or producing media that caters specifically to the preferences and behaviors of each viewer. Marketers use this trend as an effective strategy for building brand loyalty while differentiating themselves from their competition.

They are designed for social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. Additionally, this format helps engage Gen Z and millennial audiences who prefer scrolling vertically through their feeds and stories rather than horizontally. Furthermore, mobile viewers may find this type of video easier to consume.

As smartphones have become more powerful, marketers are opting for simple smartphone videos to answer mobile-first environments and be more authentic and responsive to user behavior.

With data-savvy B2B audiences, conveying a clear value proposition through videos is crucial. Integrating visuals into explainers and case studies gives viewers a deeper understanding of your products or services being sold and increases credibility. Furthermore, showing the human side of your business through employee advocacy videos or behind-the-scenes glimpses will create trust between viewer and business, increasing relatability while creating an overall personable and trustworthy impression of your brand – ultimately increasing customer retention rates.

Shoppable Videos

Brands can take their product videos one step further by making them shoppable, enabling customers to purchase items directly from videos and shorten the purchasing process, driving sales and increasing customer engagement – for instance, The Fresh Market has seen an increase in conversions since incorporating shoppable videos onto its website.

Shoppable videos provide brands with invaluable data. As customers interact with products featured in a video, they provide insight into which ones are popular among viewers and which may require further investigation – information that helps shape marketing campaigns and increase sales.

These videos can create a more authentic shopping experience and appeal to younger audiences by being less intimidating and more approachable. Some brands even opt to forgo expensive cameras in favor of smartphones for easier video production.

Stay on top of trends like personalization. As consumers become accustomed to the personalized content on Netflix and TikTok, they expect the same from brands. This can be accomplished in various ways – for instance, by greeting new customers via video or answering frequently asked questions so call centers don’t become overburdened with queries. Brands may even use video to proactively address cart abandonment by sending personalized messages via video greeting.

Video Captions

Video marketing has evolved beyond simply viral TikTok trends; now, it is about turning passive viewing into an interactive journey that engages customers in fresh ways. This can be accomplished using technologies such as virtual reality (VR) or interactive experiences that let viewers try on products without leaving home (such as 2023’s viral Maybelline mascara video, which allows viewers to “style” themselves using a virtual makeup artist). These interactions will become increasingly prevalent in digital marketing for brands that want to stand out and outwit their competition.

As an additional benefit, captioned videos can make videos more accessible to millions of deaf or hard-of-hearing people – especially useful when used on social media videos where viewers often watch with the sound off.

Marketers can leverage technology by using tools that transcribe and produce automated closed captions (.SRT files) or create open captions independently, providing tailored video content that feels more intimate for each customer and building brand loyalty. This approach can also keep up with increased demand for short-form video that’s easily digestible in a world with shrinking attention spans.

Data-Driven Storytelling

At a time when we spend over five hours each day using smartphones, short-form videos have emerged as one of the most significant marketing trends to watch for in 2024. Platforms such as TikTok and Instagram Reels prioritize bite-sized content; therefore, brands must make their videos even more engaging.

That means including an effective call-to-action and prioritizing the essential content in their videos while optimizing sound-off viewing with subtitles and on-screen text – an increasingly crucial marketing trend to bear in mind in 2024.

Your brand may highlight an employee story or provide an inside glimpse. However, creating successful video content that appeals to data-savvy B2B audiences in 2024 requires innovation and timeless storytelling skills. Communicating value propositions through facts and visuals will strengthen credibility and increase ROI.

Nostalgia in video marketing can create an emotional connection with your target audience by including retro-inspired visuals or music that harkens back. Doing this will ensure your marketing video entertains and is worth their time and attention. Furthermore, including shoppable video in your strategy is another effective way of reaching out and connecting with an audience while driving conversions.

Employee Advocacy

Gen Z seeks authenticity and transparency from brands; video marketing no longer means creating high-production videos. Even without expensive camera equipment at your disposal, stunning content that engages viewers can still be created that inspires engagement; an example would be Glossier using ambassadors and referral program participants to generate buzz about its brand, building trust with customers through an organic yet relatable experience.

Live streaming remains a growing video marketing trend, as viewers value genuine personalities and real-time engagement with real customers. This format can be utilized for tutorials, Q&A sessions, or customer loyalty building through direct engagement.

Search optimization should be part of any video marketing strategy, as it helps viewers quickly locate what they’re searching for online. A well-optimized video title, description, and tag can make a big difference in visibility for long-form videos on platforms like YouTube and TikTok; therefore, these long-form clips must include keyword phrases in their titles and descriptions for maximum effectiveness.


Since 2014, video marketing has seen an increased focus on authenticity. That trend will likely continue in 2024; audience trust in brands is fostered through genuine, user-generated videos that portray them honestly.

Marketers are taking an increasingly authentic and simplified approach to video production. This trend can especially be found with mobile platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, where marketers focus on creating shorter clips that are easily consumed on the go. This approach lessens reliance on high-level cinematography while more tightly focusing on storytelling.

Gen Z is driving this trend forward by preferring brands that prioritize transparency and honesty – more so those using real people instead of models.

Personalization can add authenticity to video marketing by targeting each audience member with relevant messages that resonate with them, increasing engagement and conversion rates. You can do this by targeting specific keywords in video titles, using dynamic landing page content with personalized calls-to-action (CTAs), or sending personalized e-mails directly. Furthermore, live chat apps allow viewers to interact directly with humans – this personalization method offers excellent customer service while improving overall CX.

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